Signed by Emperor Alexander I on November 5, 1804, and sealed by Minister of Popular Education P.V. Zavadovsky. Encased in a green velvet box with Alexander I’s insignia, with a State Seal and a full Emperor title. Inside are papers with the text. The sheets are adorned with the Imperial two-headed eagle and city emblems. The Order includes 21 articles.
Second half of 18th - first half of 19th century. The body is made from mahogany and has a dome. The hour plate is made of white porcelain, there are three additional hour plates. Made by Gravell E. Tolkien, London. Has 2 lead poises and a pendulum. The clock was used by Rector Nikolay Lobachevsky in his work room.
Beginning of 20th century. A bronze seal with a wooden handle. The working surface has an image of the Observatory and a signage “Observatory of Kazan Imperial University”. The seal was used for official documents.
Two medals (silver and bronze) were sent to Nikolay Lobachevsky by Gottingen Royal Society of Mathematics in 1842. The bronze one was given to the Kazan Society of Physics and Mathematics by M. Kandaratsky in 1896.
Obverse – bas-relief of Carl Gauss; obverse and reverse – Latin inscriptions
One of the founders of Russian neurosurgery, Professor of Kazan University, Rector of Saratov University, Rector of Tbilisi University, Rector of Baku University.
Gypsum, molding. Made by Yu.V. Razumovskaya, daughter of V. Razumovsky.
Belonged to Vladimir Popov (Faculty of Law, class of 1911).
Rhombus-shaped. Covered in white enamel, the center contains a dark blue-colored cross. Upside: laurel wreath of overgild silver, Imperial eagle with a crown. Silver, fineness 84.
Late 19th century. Was used by Yevgeny Zavoysky in 1944 during his discovery of electron paramagnetic resonance. Metallic cylinder arch-shaped, cut in the middle. The device is fixed on a wooden table. Cylinder arches are covered with green cloth. The device body has an insignia Hartmann & Braun.Frankfurta.M. 1894.
The bust was commissioned by the Society of Physics and Mathematics for the Kazan University Geometry Room. Made of dark brown bronze. Portrait in a uniform with medals. Sculptor M. Diplon. The base is round. Produced in Saint-Petersburg in 1896.
Bronze with remnants of silver and gold. First half of 19th century. The base of the seal has Lobachevskys’ family escutcheon – a six-angled star, a bee, an arrow, and a horseshoe.