A.Krasnovsky (1885 - 1953) is an internationally known pedagogue, theorist and historian of teaching. Worked in Kazan in 1922 – 1925, then moved to Moscow.
Galimzhan Sharaf was a well-known teacher and a member of International Association of Phonetics. The display contains his eyeglass case and a magazine article.
Sofya Iskhakova was a KSPI alumnus, Second World War veteran, PhD in Philology. She worked at the Institute in 1962 – 1992. Was a member of the first batch of women volunteers who moved to the war front in 1942. Was awarded numerous medals for her war duties.
Dr. Tuishev served as Rector in 1945 – 1967.
Belonged to Valentin Andreev, prominent researcher, DSCi in Pedagogics, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education. He is well-known in Russia for his theoretical work on personal self-development. Worked as Chair of the Department of Pedagogics at Kazan State University in 1985 – 2010.